YOUTH CAMP 2023 - July 24-28

Please fill out this form and we will send you more information closer to the event!
The House Youth is going to camp!
This year we are joining with other churches out in Grand Forks for a camp called "Awaken Camp" held at Pines Bible Camp.

Camp is the highlight of our summer, a full week of building community, growing deeper in your relationship with God, and making unforgettable memories through games and activities.

The current schedule is below, Follow up emails with more details will come closer to the event.

But here are a few things you should know:

We are providing transportation from the House Church on Monday July 24th at 8:45AM and will return Friday July 28th at 4:45PM.

Early Registration will expire after July 1st, Please register soon so we can plan transportation accordingly.

Financial support is available, please email and we can work something out for you. 

Even if your student has not attended a House Youth event, they are more than welcome to join us for camp. 

Camp is open for students going into Grade 7 in the fall and those who have just graduated this June.

Summer camp changed my life when I was a teenager and I am sure this week will be HUGE for you. Thank you for signing up, cannot wait for this! - Matt McDonald

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Please fill out this form and we will send you more information closer to the event!